Social Media Consulting in Acadiana & Lafayette, LA
Website Design & SEO can be easier with Komodo Design Group. So many of our clients started out doing things to “make things easier” or to “be more cost effective” they learned after working with us, this is still the case through the years…just more productive.
Social Media is a market that many are a part of worldwide…leaving many with the question of wondering one simple question? Where are my clients & potential customers? Komodo Design Group maintains over 105 Social media accounts small & large. We are a leader in this technology and even have been able to implement better practices for SEO inside your social media pages. With over 9 years experience in this market we have seen it all, and daily we maintain a level of professionalism for many clients that they know we can handle. Contact us today!
With price packages starting at $150, and larger Commercial solutions starting at $280 with content and marketing boosts. You should be excited you clicked this page for your social media future. We even have a solution for your product photos on social media alone or offer a teaching plan to in house employees. ~ Komodo Design Group: A Great Idea.